# A simple plot of the association
cyclingstudy filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
select(subject, group, VO2.max, height = height.T1) %>%
ggplot(aes(height, VO2.max)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)
12 Linear and curve-linear relationships, and predictions
In the previous chapter we looked at straight line relationships. Many things in life are not straight. In this chapter we will add curve-linear relationships to our repertoire. But we will start by predicting values.
12.1 Predicting from data
Because of the relationship between inner dimensions (such as the heart chambers) and our height, we might expect to see a relationship between body height and VO2max. The idea is that we will build a model and use this model to make predictions of our outcome with new data. Later we will hopefully see that this is one of the many benefits of the powerful regression model technique.
As a first step, it is a good idea to get a visual representation of the prospective model. In the code chunk below we load the cyclingstudy
data set from the exscidata
package together with loading tidyverse
. We then plot the relationship between height
and VO2.max
. In the ggplot
call, a good starting point is to use geom_point
together with geom_smooth
which will produce a scatter plot with a best fit line. Notice that method = "lm"
and se = FALSE
are being used to make sure you get a straight line (method = "lm"
) and no confidence bands (se = FALSE
). Copy the code into your own document and run the code.
We will now construct the model. The lm
function (for linear model) take a formula and a data set in its simplest form. We have to save the output of the model in an object to be able to work with it down the line. In the code below I suggest storing the model object as m1
# Store the data set needed in the model fitting
<- cyclingstudy %>%
dat filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
select(subject, group, VO2.max, height = height.T1) %>%
# Fit the model
<- lm(VO2.max ~ height, data = dat) m1
The above code will store an object in your environment. Using this object, we may now make predictions. The manual way of making a prediction would be to get the coefficients from the model and use them with new data. In the code chunk below, I retrieve coefficients from the model representing the intercept and slope of the model. Remembering the basic mathematics of this simple model tells us that we can predict VO2max using the estimates from the model. These estimates can be retrieved using coef()
. The intercept will be the first coefficient (coef(m1)[1]
), and the slope will be the second (coef(m1)[2]
). Adding them together and multiplying the slope with our new data will get us the prediction.
<- 185
<- coef(m1)[1] + coef(m1)[2] * new_height prediction
R has some built-in functions for this kind of operation. We can use the predict
function to calculate what each observation would look like if it were “on the regression line.” Using predict on the model without new data will give you the same values as the fitted
function; try it out!
# Store output
<- predict(m1)
pred <- fitted(m1)
# Plot the values
data.frame(pred, fit) %>%
ggplot(aes(pred, fit)) + geom_point()
has an argument called newdata
; here we can use a new data frame with the same predictors as in the data set used to fit the model. We may use this new data set to make several predictions from our model.
# New Data Frame containing data we want to predict with
<- data.frame(height = c(160, 170, 180, 190))
<- predict(m1, newdata = ndf) predictions
Unsurprisingly, an increased height gives us higher predictions of VO2max. What would be your VO2max given this model?
12.2 Uncertanties in predictions
When we are interested in a model’s ability to predict values from new data, we might also be interested in a range of plausible values for our prediction. A prediction interval can be constructed based on the model to tell us where we can expect future observations with a specified level of certainty. The prediction interval has a definition that might be difficult to understand. In short, if we construct infinitely many models and 95% prediction intervals, 95% of the prediction intervals will contain the true value for a future predicted observation.
If we relax the mathematical and philosophical rigour, we can regard the prediction interval as an interval of plausible values for individual observations based on the model. The prediction interval accounts for uncertainty in the predicted mean and the uncertainty associated with individual observations.
Let us visualize the prediction interval. The predict
function can help us again. We will create a data frame with predicted values over the whole range of observed values in the data set. seq(from = min(dat$height) to = max(dat$height))
creates a sequence of values that goes from the minimum in the data to the maximum. We will then use geom_ribbon
to plot them together with the observed data. Notice that we must transform the predicted values into a data frame and include the variables to match our original ggplot2
# Create predictions based on min to max observed height values
<- predict(m1,
pred.vals newdata = data.frame(height = seq(from = min(dat$height),
to = max(dat$height))),
interval = "predict") %>%
## Transform to a data frame and add variables to correspond to our data set `dat`
data.frame() %>%
mutate(VO2.max = fit,
height = seq(from = min(dat$height), to = max(dat$height)))
# Plot the data and prediction intervals
cyclingstudy filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
select(subject, group, VO2.max, height = height.T1) %>%
ggplot(aes(height, VO2.max)) +
geom_ribbon(data = pred.vals, # We need new data for this layer
aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), # Add lower and upper bounds
fill = "steelblue", # Fill with a nice color
alpha = 0.2) + # Make the fill "transparent"
geom_point() + # Add observed points from the original data set
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)
Is the model any good? Well, a true value might as well be about 20% higher or lower than the prediction based on body height. It is up to us to consider if this is a good model for predicting VO2max.
## To check
pred.vals mutate(upr = upr/fit ,
lwr = lwr/fit) %>%
12.3 The workload-lactate relationship
In the cyclingstudy
data set, data from lactate threshold tests are recorded for each participant. We need to “wrangle” the data set a bit to get the data in a format more suitable for analysis. In the code below I will first select
columns needed for the analyses and the filter
to retain one participant and one time-point. These data are then converted from a wide to long (tidy) format using the pivot_longer
function. Notice that each of the lactate columns starts with lac.
, this information can be used in pivot_longer
when rearranging the data. In pivot_longer
we also convert the values to numeric values using as.numeric
. Finally, we plot the data.
The resulting plot (also shown below), shows a point for every lactate measurement. We have also connected the dots with geom_line
which draws straight lines between each point. The straight line can be used to interpolate values between the observed lactate values. This is a common technique to calculate a lactate threshold, often defined as the intensity at 4 mmol L
cyclingstudy # Select columns needed for analysis
select(subject, group, timepoint, lac.225:lac.375) %>%
# Only one participant and time-point
filter(timepoint == "pre", subject == 10) %>%
# Pivot to long format data using the lactate columns
pivot_longer(names_to = "watt",
values_to = "lactate",
names_prefix = "lac.",
names_transform = list(watt = as.numeric),
cols = lac.225:lac.375) %>%
# Plot the data, group = subject needed to connect the points
ggplot(aes(watt, lactate, group = subject)) +
geom_line(lty = 2) +
geom_point(shape = 21, fill = "lightblue", size = 2.5)
Next figure shows the value of x (watt, intensity) when y (lactate) is set to 4. The lines are added by eyeballing1 the expected value. This is all fine, we have an approximate lactate threshold.
cyclingstudy # Select columns needed for analysis
select(subject, group, timepoint, lac.225:lac.375) %>%
# Only one participant and time-point
filter(timepoint == "pre", subject == 10) %>%
# Pivot to long format data using the lactate columns
pivot_longer(names_to = "watt",
values_to = "lactate",
names_prefix = "lac.",
names_transform = list(watt = as.numeric),
cols = lac.225:lac.375) %>%
# Plot the data, group = subject needed to connect the points
ggplot(aes(watt, lactate, group = subject)) +
geom_line(lty = 2) +
geom_point(shape = 21, fill = "lightblue", size = 2.5) +
# Adding straight lines at specific values
geom_hline(yintercept = 4, color = "red") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 341.5, color = "blue")
To get a better approximation, we could make use of the curve-linear relationship between exercise intensity and lactate accumulation. The “curvier” the relationship, the more wrong the above approximation would be (as Yoda say, would)2. We can add a curve-linear model on top of our plot using the geom_smooth
function in our ggplot
call. In the code below, we will actually use several polynomial models together with a straight line to assess their fit.
cyclingstudy # Select columns needed for analysis
select(subject, group, timepoint, lac.225:lac.375) %>%
# Only one participant and time-point
filter(timepoint == "pre", subject == 10) %>%
# Pivot to long format data using the lactate columns
pivot_longer(names_to = "watt",
values_to = "lactate",
names_prefix = "lac.",
names_transform = list(watt = as.numeric),
cols = lac.225:lac.375) %>%
# Plot the data, group = subject needed to connect the points
ggplot(aes(watt, lactate, group = subject)) +
geom_line(lty = 2) +
geom_point(shape = 21, fill = "lightblue", size = 2.5) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 4, color = "blue") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 341.5, color = "blue") +
# Adding a straight line from a linear model
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, formula = y ~ x, color = "#e41a1c") +
# Adding a polynomial linear model to the plot
# poly(x, 2) add a second degree polynomial model.
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, formula = y ~ poly(x, 2), color = "#377eb8") +
# poly(x, 3) add a third degree polynomial model.
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, formula = y ~ poly(x, 3), color = "#4daf4a") +
# poly(x, 4) add a forth degree polynomial model.
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, formula = y ~ poly(x, 4), color = "#ff7f00")
# #fee090 represent color codes in th HEX format, palettes for different color can be found
# here:
As we can see in the resulting plot, the different models are not that different around the 4 mmol L-1 mark. However, the linear model is just wrong at around 300 watts, the second degree polynomial model is wrong at 275 watts. The third and forth degree polynomial model does not differ much from observed values or each other.
We may fit these models formally using lm
and check their residuals. First we will store the data set in an object called lactate
and the use this data set in several lm
calls. The same formula can be used as in geom_smooth
, but we must use the actual variable names.
<- cyclingstudy %>%
lactate # Select columns needed for analysis
select(subject, group, timepoint, lac.225:lac.375) %>%
# Only one participant and time-point
filter(timepoint == "pre", subject == 10) %>%
# Pivot to long format data using the lactate columns
pivot_longer(names_to = "watt",
values_to = "lactate",
names_prefix = "lac.",
names_transform = list(watt = as.numeric),
cols = lac.225:lac.375) %>%
# Remove NA (missing) values to avoid warning/error messages.
# fit "straight line" model
<- lm(lactate ~ watt, data = lactate)
# fit second degree polynomial
<- lm(lactate ~ poly(watt, 2, raw = TRUE), data = lactate)
# fit third degree polynomial
<- lm(lactate ~ poly(watt, 3, raw = TRUE), data = lactate)
# fit forth degree polynomial
<- lm(lactate ~ poly(watt, 4, raw = TRUE), data = lactate)
# Store all residuals as new variables
$resid.m1 <- resid(m1)
lactate$resid.m2 <- resid(m2)
lactate$resid.m3 <- resid(m3)
lactate$resid.m4 <- resid(m4)
lactate # gather all the data from the models
pivot_longer(names_to = "model",
values_to = "residual",
names_prefix = "resid.",
names_transform = list(residual = as.numeric),
cols = resid.m1:resid.m4) %>%
# Plot values with the observed watt on x axis and residual values at the y
ggplot(aes(watt, residual, fill = model)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 3) +
# To set the same colors/fills as above we use scale fill manual
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#e41a1c", "#377eb8", "#4daf4a", "#ff7f00"))
The forth degree polynomial model finds the observed values best, followed by the third degree model. This is not strange as the polynomial model with increased degrees has more flexibility to fit to the data. The problem with polynomial models is that you cannot fit a fort degree polynomial model with only four data points. You may also have a model that is more sensitive to, for example, a bad measurement. Let’s settle for the third degree model.
The next step will be to predict x from y. Remember that we have modelled the effect of x on y, i.e. the effect of exercise intensity on lactate. Using predict
we may easily predict a lactate value for a specific value of watt
. Since we want the inverse prediction we have to use some tricks in our prediction. The code below creates a data set of intensity values watt
using the seq
function which basically creates a vector of number with a specific distance between them. We can then use this vector of numbers to predict lactate values and find the value closest to 4 mmol L-1.
# new data data frame
<- data.frame(watt = seq(from = 225, to = 350, by = 0.1)) # high resolution, we can find the nearest10:th a watt
$predictions <- predict(m3, newdata = ndf)
# Which value of the predictions comes closest to our value of 4 mmol L-1?
# abs finds the absolute value, makes all values positive,
# predictions - 4 givs an exact prediction of 4 mmol the value zero
# filter the row which has the prediction - 4 equal to the minimal absolut difference between prediction and 4 mmol
<- ndf %>%
lactate_threshold filter(abs(predictions - 4) == min(abs(predictions - 4)))
Our best estimate of the lacatate threshold is 343. We have approximated the exercise intensity at a specific value of lactate.
There a several ways of doing such calculations, and many other concepts of lactate thresholds exists. Newell (Newell et al. 2007) has developed R code for calculating several of these concepts. The code is a bit old but can be found here. Other have implemented R code in applications to calculate lactate thresholds, for example lactate dashboard.
Most techniques and concepts rely on an underlying regression model.