The linear model: Categorical predictors and diagnostics

Categorical predictors

  • So far we used a continuous predictor variable (\(x\)) in our regression models.

  • We could replace this with a variable that either takes the value 0 or 1. This could represent a categorical predictor variable, e.g., Group A = 0, Group B = 1.

  • The model can still be described as

\[y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_{i} + \epsilon_i\] - where \(\beta_0\) is the intercept, \(\hat{y_i}\) when \(x=0\) which will be the average of group A. - The slope, \(\beta_1\) represents the difference between the groups which equals to the change in \(\hat{y}\) for a one-unit change in \(x\).

A bad example!

  • We will create a bad example of a categorical predictor variable to predict VO2.max with height.T1 in the cyclingstudy data set. Why bad? Let’s find out!

  • First, let’s dichotomize the height variable into two groups. In our analysis we want to compare the group of “tall” individuals to “short” individuals from the pre time-point.

  • The threshold for the grouping will be above/below the median height.

  • In the code chunk below, we add a new variable height which takes the value tall if height.T1 is greater then the median, otherwise “short”. For clarity, we will also convert the variable to a factor variable.


Based on the description above, and before you look at the example below, write the required commands and save a data set in an object called dat.

library(exscidata); library(tidyverse)


# Reduce the data set 
dat <- cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
        select(subject, height.T1, VO2.max) %>%
        mutate(height = if_else(height.T1 > median(height.T1), "tall", "short"), 
               height = factor(height)) %>%

This operation results in our new grouping variable as shown in the figure below.

Dichotomizing height into short/tall groups
  • We may now formulate a model to assess differences in VO2max between height groups.

  • In the model formulation we will write our factor variable. R will “dummy code” this variable to take the values 0 and 1 in the model.

  • Dummy coding will translate an ordered factor with two levels to a 0/1 variable where 0 can be called the reference level. Using contrasts(dat$height) we can see the how R has coded the variable. Notice that the variable is called tall.

  • Our model formulation will be:

VO2.max ~ height
  • This translates to a more formal description

\[\text{VO}_\text{2max} = \beta_0 + \beta_{\text{tall}}x_i\]

Group work

Fit the model VO2.max ~ height using the dichotomized factor variable for height and calculate the average VO2max for the tall group.

Note: A statistical test for differences in means

  • It turns out that many commonly used statistical tests can be performed in the regression model framework.1. We will revisit this idea further on but start here with the simple t-test.

  • The t-test is often the first statistical test taught in a statistics course. The goal is to compare two means (paired- or un-paired observations) or compare a mean to a reference value (one sample t-test).

  • The t-test provides us with an apparatus to test a statistical hypothesis.

  • An interpretation of a part of the results from the test, the p-value can be:

If we performed sampling from, and comparison of, two populations 1000 times, how often would we see a result so extreme or more extreme than the observed value, if the null-hypothesis of no difference is true.

  • If the p-value is low, say below 0.05, we have estimated that the results are pretty unlikely if the null-hypothesis is true (less than 5% of repeated studies will show this result if the null hypothesis is true).

  • The differences in two means (tall vs. short) in a t-test is the same as the slope in an ordinary regression model:

Warning: package 'gt' was built under R version 4.4.1
ttest <- t.test(VO2.max ~ height, data = dat, var.equal = TRUE)

reg <- lm(VO2.max ~ height, data = dat)

data.frame(model = c("t-test", "Regression"), 
           t.val = c(ttest$statistic, coef(summary(reg))[2,3]),
           p.val = c(ttest$p.value, coef(summary(reg))[2,4]), 
           row.names = NULL) %>%
        gt() %>%
model t.val p.val
t-test −1.574 0.133
Regression  1.574 0.133

Notice that:

  • We use var.equal = TRUE to fully reproduce the results of the regression analysis. This option assumes equal variation in the two groups.
  • The minus sign in the t-statistic of the t-test indicate that the comparison is reversed in the t-test.
Group work

How do you interpret the model summary of the model VO2.max ~ height using the dichotomized factor variable for height? What does the p-value and slope estimate tell us?

Why was this a bad example: A short lesson on dichotomization

  • When we dichotomize a variable we add assumptions to our analysis.

  • In this case, we add an assumption of a non-important relationship between the dependent and independent variable within each group.

  • This assumption can easily be questioned by creating a plot with height.T1 on the x-axis, VO2.max on the y-axis and different color per grouping.

  • We could additionally add regression lines using geom_smooth(method = "lm"). Remove the color argument (aes(color = NULL)) from an additional geom_smooth() to include all data in a linear model.

Group work

Try to create the graph based on the description above (before peeking at a possible solution below). Can we reasonably neglect the linear relationship between variables within groups?

A possible solution
dat %>%
        ggplot(aes(height.T1, VO2.max, color = height))  + geom_point() + 
        geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
        geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = NULL))
  • Since we are actually removing data before fitting the model we also create a model that is difficult to interpret.
Group work

Interpret the estimates from

    1. a model with height treated as a dichotomized variable
    1. a model with height included as a continuous variable.

Explain to your friend what the estimate tells you about the real-world relationship between VO2max and height from each model.

A possible solution
# Dichotomized data
m1 <- lm(VO2.max ~ height, data = dat)

# Contentious data
m2 <- lm(VO2.max ~ height.T1, data = dat)


Assumptions and diagnostics

A linear regression model comes with a set of assumptions, these concern

  • The sampling of data
  • The relationship between variables
  • The resulting errors of the model

Data sampling

*A single row of a data set, possibly containing multiple variables.
  • When collecting data for a regression analysis we must make sure that each observation* is independent.

  • This means that the ordinary regression model cannot account for multiple observations sampled from the same individual.

  • If this is done, we commit a crime called pseudo-replication!

  • This can also be the case if we sample individuals that are structured together in teams or classrooms etc.

  • More elaborate models are needed to account for such structures in the data.

Group work

Interpret the estimates from a model with height treated as a continuous variable but containing all time-points. Compare the results to the previous model containing data only from timepoint == "pre"

Discuss how this changes the standard error (Std Error) of the model.

Notice that height was only recorded at pre, to fill height data to all observations:

cyclingstudy %>%
        select(subject, timepoint, height.T1, VO2.max) %>%
        ## To get height at all time-points
        group_by(subject) %>%
        mutate(height.T1 = mean(height.T1, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
A possible solution
dat.all <- cyclingstudy %>%
        select(subject, timepoint, height.T1, VO2.max) %>%
        ## To get height at all time-points
        group_by(subject) %>%
        mutate(height.T1 = mean(height.T1, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%

# Contentious data, all observations
m1 <- lm(VO2.max ~ height.T1, data = dat.all)

# Contentious data, only pre-data
m2 <- lm(VO2.max ~ height.T1, data = dat)


Straight lines

  • The regression model expects straight-line relationships.
  • Curve-linear relationships needs more elaborate model formulations.
  • If the underlying data has some curve linear characteristics, a residual plot will aid in detecting it.
# create some fake, non-linear data

a <- 0.2
b <- 1

x <- seq(from = 0.2, to = 10, by = 0.2)
# Adding curve-linear relationship
# and random error to each data point
y <- a + b*sin(x) + rnorm(length(x), 0, 0.2) 
y_straight <- a + b*x + rnorm(length(x), 0, 1) 

# Store in data frame
fake <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, y_straight = y_straight)

# Plot the raw data, including a model
raw_data_plot_sig <- fake %>%
        ggplot(aes(x, y)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) + 
        labs(title = "Raw data",
             subtitle =  "Best fit model y ~ x")

raw_data_plot_straight <- fake %>%
        ggplot(aes(x, y_straight)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) + 
        labs(title = "Raw data",
             subtitle =  "Best fit model y ~ x")

# Model the data with a straight line
m <- lm(y ~ x, data = fake)
m_straight <- lm(y_straight ~ x, data = fake)

# Extract residuals 
fake$resid <- resid(m)
fake$resid_straight <- resid(m_straight)

# Extract predicted/fitted valus
fake$fitted <- fitted(m)
fake$fitted_straight <- fitted(m_straight)

# Plot fitted vs. residual values
residual_plot_sig <- fake %>%
        ggplot(aes(fitted, resid)) + geom_point() + 
        labs(title = "Analysis of residuals", 
             subtitle =  "Generated from the model y ~ x")

residual_plot_straight <- fake %>%
        ggplot(aes(fitted_straight, resid_straight)) + geom_point() + 
        labs(title = "Analysis of residuals", 
             subtitle =  "Generated from the model y ~ x")

# Using patchwork to arrange plots

(raw_data_plot_sig + residual_plot_sig) / (raw_data_plot_straight + residual_plot_straight)

Modelling a curve linear vs. a linear relationship using a straight line
Group work

Explain to a friend:

  • What is the difference between the raw data and the residual vs. fitted plot?
  • What can go wrong when we assume linear relationships?
  • How can we diagnose the model and know what to expect when fitting it?

Model errors

  • Above we clearly identified patterns in the residual plot that violated the assumption of a straight line (or linear) relationship between variables.

  • Another assumption can also be assessed using the residual plot (residuals vs. fitted values).

  • This assumption is that errors are equally distributed across the fitted values.

  • In the case of a continuous predictor, the spread of the residuals should vary similarly across the whole range of fitted values.

  • In the case of a categorical variable, residuals should have similar spread in all categories.

  • Let’s examine the models formulated above with height, both as a categorical predictor as well as a continuous predictor.

Group work

  • Fit the models, only containing the pre data
  • Save the residuals to your data set using resid(mod), where mod is the model object
  • Similarly, save the fitted values to your data set using fitted(mod).
  • Create a ggplot of the fitted (x axis) and residual values (y axis).
  • Interpret the resulting plots.
A possible solution
# Continuous variable
m1 <- lm(VO2.max ~ height.T1, data = dat)

# Categorical variable 
m2 <- lm(VO2.max ~ height, data = dat)

# Retreive fitted and residual values
dat$fitted_cont <- fitted(m1)
dat$resid_cont <- resid(m1)

dat$fitted_cat <- fitted(m2)
dat$resid_cat <- resid(m2)

# Create figures
resid_plot_cont <- dat %>%
        ggplot(aes(fitted_cont, resid_cont)) + geom_point() +
        labs(title = "Continous predictor")

resid_plot_cat <- dat %>%
        ggplot(aes(fitted_cat, resid_cat)) + geom_point()+
        labs(title = "Categoricals predictor")

# Using patchwork to combine the figures

resid_plot_cont + resid_plot_cat
  • It is not always easy to tell if there is heteroscedasticity, especially with small number of observations.
  • The graphical method is convenient to use, but there are also tests to detect it. One such test is Breusch–Pagan test.
  • In the figure below, two scenarios are presented, one homoscedastic and one heteroscedastic scenario.

Homoscedasticity vs. heteroscedasticity
  • It may be difficult to detect heteroscedasticity from a single model created with a small sample size.

Sampling data from population data with equal vs. unequal variation across x-values.
  • In fact, graphical analysis and formal tests of population characteristics are dependent on the sample size.
  • A larger sample size will more often detect heteroscedasticity in the population data.

Sampling data with different sizes from population data with equal vs. unequal variation across x-values and comparing p-values from a test of homoscedasticity.

Sampling data with different sizes from population data with equal vs. unequal variation across x-values and plotting the ability to detect violoations of equal variance.
  • If we detect violations of the assumption of equal variation across the fitted values we can attempt transformations.
  • The log-transformation can be used when the variance increases with larger values (positive correlation between fitted values and variance).
  • Note that log transformation of the dependent variable changes the interpretation of the model. Instead of additive, we evaluate the multiplicative effect. For a unit difference in x, y changes by a percentage.
# create some fake, non-linear data
a <- 20
b <- 15

x <- seq(from = 5, to = 20, by = 0.2)

# and random error to each data point
y <- a + b*x + rnorm(length(x), 0, 2*x) 

# Store in data frame
fake <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)

# Plot the raw data, including a model
raw_data_plot <- fake %>%
        ggplot(aes(x, y)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) + 
        labs(title = "Raw data",
             subtitle =  "Best fit model y ~ x")

raw_data_plot_log <- fake %>%
        ggplot(aes(x, log(y))) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) + 
        labs(title = "Raw data",
             subtitle =  "Best fit model log(y) ~ x")

# Model the data with a straight line
m <- lm(y ~ x, data = fake)
logm <- lm(log(y) ~ x, data = fake)

# Test for heteroscedasticity
bp_m <- lmtest::bptest(m)
bp_logm <- lmtest::bptest(logm)

# Extract residuals 
fake$resid <- resid(m)
fake$residlog <- resid(logm)

# Extract predicted/fitted valus
fake$fitted <- fitted(m)
fake$fittedlog <- fitted(logm)

# Plot fitted vs. residual values
residual_plot <- fake %>%
        ggplot(aes(fitted, resid)) + geom_point() + 
        labs(title = "Analysis of residuals", 
             subtitle =  "Generated from the model y ~ x", 
             caption = paste0("Breusch–Pagan test p-value: ", round(bp_m$p.value, 5))) 

residual_plot_log <- fake %>%
        ggplot(aes(fittedlog, residlog)) + geom_point() + 
        labs(title = "Analysis of residuals", 
             subtitle =  "Generated from the model log(y) ~ x", 
             caption = paste0("Breusch–Pagan test p-value: ", round(bp_logm$p.value, 3)))

# Using patchwork to arrange plots

(raw_data_plot + residual_plot) / (raw_data_plot_log + residual_plot_log) 

Dealing with heteroscedasticity using log-transformation of the data

Normal errors

  • I addition the assumption of errors being equally distributed (homoscedasticity), we also assume that they are normally distributed.
  • This is also conveniently evaluated graphically using a histogram of the residuals and a qq-plot.

Assessing normality of residuals using graphical methods
  • The qq-plot indicates deviations from the normal distribution as points that fall far away from the line deviates from a theoretical distribution.
  • Deviations from the assumption of normal residuals may be due to a number of “outliers”.
  • Let’s add 200 to 6 observations from the previous diagnostic plots and re-fit the model.

Assessing normality of residuals using graphical methods with 6 observations inflated by 200 units

Interpreting the output from plot(model)

  • R has nice built in functions for graphical assessment of regression models
  • After fitting a model, simply use plot(model)
  • The resulting plots are similar to what we have examined so far
# Copy and run the code on your own!

dat <- cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
        select(subject, height.T1, VO2.max) 

m <- lm(VO2.max ~ height.T1, data = dat)

  • The first plot is the ordinary Residuals vs. Fitted plot that we created above. Here we can assess the assumption regarding homoscedasticity.
  • The second plot is a Q-Q plot where we can assess the assumption regarding normality of the residuals
  • The third plot provides a slightly different version of the residual vs. fitted plot. Scale-location has the advantage of showing absolute values, this may make it easier to detect heteroscedasticity.
  • The forth plot contains residuals vs. leverage where leverage indicates influential data points.
  • An influential data point has a lot of influence on the regression model. Let’s see how.
dat2 <- dat %>%
        mutate(added = "NO") %>%
        add_row(subject = 200, height.T1 = 200, VO2.max = 7000, added = "YES")

m <- lm(VO2.max ~ height.T1, data = dat2) 

raw_data <- dat2 %>%
        ggplot(aes(height.T1, VO2.max, color = added)) + 
        geom_point() +
        geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
        geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = NULL), se = FALSE) +
        labs(title = "An influential data point added")

### These functions are needed to plot the cooks distance
cd_cont_pos <- function(leverage, level, model) {sqrt(level*length(coef(model))*(1-leverage)/leverage)}
cd_cont_neg <- function(leverage, level, model) {-cd_cont_pos(leverage, level, model)}

leverage_plot <- data.frame(leverage = hatvalues(m), 
                            scaled.resid = resid(m)/ sd(resid(m)), 
                            Added = dat2$added) %>%
        ggplot(aes(leverage, scaled.resid, fill = Added)) + geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2) +
        stat_function(fun = cd_cont_pos, args = list(level = 0.5, model = m), xlim = c(0, 0.5), lty = 2, colour = "red") +
        stat_function(fun = cd_cont_neg, args = list(level = 0.5, model = m), xlim = c(0, 0.5), lty = 2, colour = "red")  +
        stat_function(fun = cd_cont_pos, args = list(level = 1, model = m), xlim = c(0, 0.5), lty = 1, colour = "red") +
        stat_function(fun = cd_cont_neg, args = list(level = 1, model = m), xlim = c(0, 0.5), lty = 1, colour = "red")  +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-2, 2.5)) +
        labs(x = "Leverage", 
             y = "Standardized residuals", 
             title = "Identifying an influential data point", 
             subtitle = "Cook's distance indicated by red lines")

raw_data + leverage_plot

Examining the effect of an influential data point


Explain these concepts:

  • Predictor variable, dependent variable, independent variable
  • Continuous variable, dummy variable
  • Fitted values, residuals, standardized residuals
  • Homoscedasticity, heteroscedasticity, equal variance, normality of residuals
  • Pseudo-replication

Multiple linear regression

  • The ordinary linear model is easily extended to include more predictor variables.

  • In fact, when we add a categorical variable with more than 2 levels, we effectively perform multiple regression.

  • Let’s say that we want to estimate the differences in change in VO2max (ml min-1) between the three groups in the cycling study data set (see figure).

library(ggtext) # needed to use markdown in legends/axis texts

cyclingstudy %>% 
        select(subject, group, timepoint, VO2.max) %>%
        pivot_wider(names_from = timepoint, 
                    values_from = VO2.max) %>%
        mutate(change = meso3 - pre) %>%
        ggplot(aes(group, change)) + geom_boxplot() +
        labs(y = "VO<sub>2max</sub> (ml min<sup>-1</sup>) change from pre to meso3", 
             x = "Group", 
             title = "Absolute change in maximal aerobic power") + 
        theme(axis.title.y = element_markdown())

Changes in VO2max from pre to meso3 in three groups in the cycling study data set
  • When R dummy codes the factor variable group, DECR will be the reference level. A coefficient will be used to indicate each of the other two groups (INCR and MIX).
  • This can be written as

change = intercept + group2 + group3 + error


\[\hat{y_i} = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \epsilon_i\] - If e.g., \(x_1\) is 0, then \(\beta_1\) drops from the equation, otherwise it is added to the estimate. - Let’s fit the model (copy the code in to your own session).

dat <- cyclingstudy %>% 
        select(subject, group, timepoint, VO2.max) %>%
        pivot_wider(names_from = timepoint, 
                    values_from = VO2.max) %>%
        mutate(change = meso3 - pre) %>%

m <- lm(change ~ group, data = dat)

# Use summary to retrieve the results


Look at the figure, and the output from the model.

  • Explain the estimates for (Intercept), groupINCR and groupMIX.
  • The order of the factor variable group determines the reference level. Change the reference level to MIX using mutate(group = factor(group, levels = c("MIX", "DECR", "INCR")))
  • Fit a new model and reinterpret the results.
A possible solution
dat <- cyclingstudy %>% 
        select(subject, group, timepoint, VO2.max) %>%
        pivot_wider(names_from = timepoint, 
                    values_from = VO2.max) %>%
        mutate(change = meso3 - pre, 
               group = factor(group, levels = c("MIX", "DECR", "INCR"))) %>%

m <- lm(change ~ group, data = dat)

# Use summary to retrieve the results

  • The interpretation of model coefficients in multiple linear regression is the effect when the other coefficients are held constant (at zero).
  • Select two or more variables (continuous or categorical) from the cyclingstudy data set and fit a model.
  • Interpret the results.

The hypertrophy data set

  • Haun et al. (2019) investigated the predictors of responses to a resistance training intervention
  • The composite score of muscle hypertrophy is calculated as:
  1. right leg VL muscle thickness assessed via ultrasound

  2. upper right leg lean soft tissue assessed via DXA

  3. right leg mid-thigh circumference

  4. right leg VL mean (type I and type II) muscle fCSA.

(See Haun et al. (2019)).

To load the data set:


Group work

Using the hypertrophy data set:

  1. Reproduce the results in figure 9B

  2. Identify variables of interest (e.g. strength or muscle mass gains) and explain the using a regression model with a selected set of predictor variables.


Haun, C. T., C G. Vann, C. Brooks Mobley, Shelby C. Osburn, Petey W. Mumford, Paul A. Roberson, Matthew A. Romero, et al. 2019. “Pre-Training Skeletal Muscle Fiber Size and Predominant Fiber Type Best Predict Hypertrophic Responses to 6 Weeks of Resistance Training in Previously Trained Young Men.” Journal Article. Frontiers in Physiology 10 (297).


  1. See Common statistical tests are linear models↩︎