Data wrangling and tables

The tidyverse contains two packages with functions used to wrangle data, dplyr and tidyr. On wikipedia we can read that:

Data analysts typically spend the majority of their time in the process of data wrangling compared to the actual analysis of the data.

In the age of data, we need data wrangling

dplyr, verbs of data manipulation (and pipes)

dplyr contains verbs used for data manipulation, such as filtering rows, selecting variables and changing or creating variables. Verbs can be used in a pipe and read as sequential operations:

Take the data then do

filter based on group then do

create a new variable then do

show the data in the console.

A pipe

The pipe operations are made possible by another package, magrittr. This package contains the forward pipe operator %>%. The forward pipe operator (%>%) can be read as “then do”. The operator takes the object on the left-hand side and puts it as the first argument in the following function.

Translating the “pipe” above from human language to R language using the “tidyverse dialect” looks like this:

data %>%
        filter(group == "xx") %>%
        mutate(new.var = old.var + old.var2) %>%

Getting started: Load data and packages

We will use the cyclingstudy data from exscidata in our exercises. Load the required components to your session.

Show the code
library(tidyverse) # loads dplyr etc.
library(exscidata) # loads the data-package


Adding, changing and selecting variables - mutate and select

Mutate can help you create new variables (or overwrite existing once). In the cycling data set there is a variable called VO2.max, this variable is expressed in absolute units (ml min-1), however, we might want to express it as relative units (ml kg-1 min-1).

cyclingstudy %>%
        mutate(rel.vo2max = VO2.max / weight.T1) %>%

The mutate function creates new variables (or overwrite existing) in a flexible way. Here we simply use division. Other mathematical operators can similarly be used (+, -, *, etc.).

Notice the print() function in the end of the pipe. This is used to display the results of any manipulations done in the pipe. Notice also that our new variable is not listed. We might need to select a sub-set of variables to get a better overview. We will do this using the select function.

cyclingstudy %>%
        mutate(rel.vo2max = VO2.max / weight.T1) %>%
        select(subject, group, timepoint, age, height.T1, weight.T1, VO2.max, rel.vo2max) %>%

The select function takes variable names as “unquoted” names. We can also select a range of columns using the syntax <from>:<to> where <from> is the first column you would like to select and <to> would be the last. Subsequently the above pipe can be re-written as

cyclingstudy %>%
        mutate(rel.vo2max = VO2.max / weight.T1) %>%
        select(subject:weight.T1, VO2.max, rel.vo2max) %>%

select can also be used to re-name variables. Simpler variable names for weight, height and relative VO2max could be weight, height,

cyclingstudy %>%
        mutate(rel.vo2max = VO2.max / weight.T1) %>%
        select(subject:age, height = height.T1, weight = weight.T1, VO2.max, = rel.vo2max) %>%

Storing your results as a data frame in the environment

When you have selected and mutated variables you might want to keep the new data frame in your environment. Do this by assigning the whole pipe to a new object.

cyc.subset <- cyclingstudy %>%
        mutate(rel.vo2max = VO2.max / weight.T1) %>%
        select(subject:age, height = height.T1, weight = weight.T1, VO2.max, = rel.vo2max) %>%
Exercises (1)
  1. Select the variables subject, group, timepoint, age, height.T1, weight.T1. Rename the variables weight.T1 and height.T1 to weight and height.
  2. Calculate body mass index (BMI) for all observations using the formula \(\text{BMI} = \frac{\text{weight (kg)}}{\text{height (m)}^2}\)
  3. Store the data frame as cyc.bmi in your environment.

Select rows based on condition and sort them - filter and arrange

Filtering is used to select specific observations (rows) of a data set. We filter based on specific conditions such as:

  • All values bigger than X
  • All values less than Y
  • All observations than contain A, B or C in variable V.

The above examples must be translated to formal expressions.


An expression that make comparisons can be

  • x < y → x less than y
  • x > y → x greater than y
  • x <= y → x less or equal to y
  • x >= y → x greater or equal to y
  • x == y → x exactly equal to y
  • x != y → x not exactly equal to y

In the filter function these expressions give either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE the rows are included in the filtered data frame.

We can see the mechanism behind filtering by creating a vector of TRUE and FALSE based on an expression. Let’s say that we want to see which rows has weight.T1 greater than 75.

cyclingstudy$weight.T1 > 75

We can see that the first row returns a TRUE while the second row returns FALSE.

Using the filter function, we just add the expression as an argument in the function and all the rows that comes up TRUE will remain.

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(weight.T1 > 75) %>%
# A tibble: 60 × 101
   subject group timepoint   age height.T1 weight.T1 sj.max cmj.max lac.125
     <dbl> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1       1 INCR  pre          33       183      80.3   31.0    35.0    1.5 
 2       3 INCR  pre          39       193      98.1   26.8    28.8    1.17
 3       4 DECR  pre          37       175      79.2   29.2    30.8    0.88
 4       5 DECR  pre          31       176      88     31.2    25.8    1.06
 5       6 INCR  pre          33       168      79.6   34.2    35.3    1.27
 6       7 MIX   pre          42       180      77.6   30.1    33.0    0.85
 7       8 MIX   pre          26       179      75.5   32.8    33.2    0.93
 8       9 MIX   pre          41       185      82.4   22.7    22.4    1.48
 9      10 INCR  pre          35       187      75.6   29.7    31.1    0.93
10      13 DECR  pre          41       183      76     34.3    36      1.67
# ℹ 50 more rows
# ℹ 92 more variables: lac.175 <dbl>, lac.225 <dbl>, lac.250 <dbl>,
#   lac.275 <dbl>, lac.300 <dbl>, lac.325 <dbl>, lac.350 <dbl>, lac.375 <dbl>,
#   VO2.125 <dbl>, VO2.175 <dbl>, VO2.225 <dbl>, VO2.250 <dbl>, VO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VO2.300 <dbl>, VO2.325 <dbl>, VO2.350 <dbl>, VO2.375 <dbl>, VCO2.125 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.175 <dbl>, VCO2.225 <dbl>, VCO2.250 <dbl>, VCO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.300 <dbl>, VCO2.325 <dbl>, VCO2.350 <dbl>, VCO2.375 <dbl>, …
Exercises (2)

How many rows in the cyclingstudy data set has

  • VO2.max values greater than 6000
  • VO2.max values less than 6000
  • VO2.max values less or equal to than 5360
  • VO2.max values greater or equal to than 5360
  • the value pre in timepoint
  • a value in timepoint other than pre

Logical operators

Logical operators similarly creates TRUE or FALSE as the basis of filtering operations. These can be used in combination with comparisons.

  • ! x → NOT x
  • x & y → x and y
  • x | y → x or y
  • → returns TRUE if x is NA

We might want to keep all rows with weight.T1 greater than 80 that are also from the group INCR. This can be solved with an AND operator (&).

#| echo: true

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(weight.T1 > 80 & group == "INCR") %>%
# A tibble: 9 × 101
  subject group timepoint   age height.T1 weight.T1 sj.max cmj.max lac.125
    <dbl> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1       1 INCR  pre          33       183      80.3   31.0    35.0    1.5 
2       3 INCR  pre          39       193      98.1   26.8    28.8    1.17
3      20 INCR  pre          42       180      82.3   32.5    32.2    2.26
4       3 INCR  meso1        39        NA     101.    26.0    26.5    0.72
5      20 INCR  meso1        42        NA      82.5   30.2    30.6    0.96
6       3 INCR  meso2        39        NA      99.2   25.4    26.8    0.5 
7      20 INCR  meso2        42        NA      81.1   29.6    29.8    1.53
8       3 INCR  meso3        39        NA      99.2   27.1    27.0    0.77
9      20 INCR  meso3        43        NA      81.5   30.0    30.9    1.77
# ℹ 92 more variables: lac.175 <dbl>, lac.225 <dbl>, lac.250 <dbl>,
#   lac.275 <dbl>, lac.300 <dbl>, lac.325 <dbl>, lac.350 <dbl>, lac.375 <dbl>,
#   VO2.125 <dbl>, VO2.175 <dbl>, VO2.225 <dbl>, VO2.250 <dbl>, VO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VO2.300 <dbl>, VO2.325 <dbl>, VO2.350 <dbl>, VO2.375 <dbl>, VCO2.125 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.175 <dbl>, VCO2.225 <dbl>, VCO2.250 <dbl>, VCO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.300 <dbl>, VCO2.325 <dbl>, VCO2.350 <dbl>, VCO2.375 <dbl>,
#   VE.125 <dbl>, VE.175 <dbl>, VE.225 <dbl>, VE.250 <dbl>, VE.275 <dbl>, …

We can similarly use OR (|) to select either weight greater than 80 or group INCR.

#| echo: true

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(weight.T1 > 80 | group == "INCR") %>%
# A tibble: 46 × 101
   subject group timepoint   age height.T1 weight.T1 sj.max cmj.max lac.125
     <dbl> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1       1 INCR  pre          33       183      80.3   31.0    35.0    1.5 
 2       3 INCR  pre          39       193      98.1   26.8    28.8    1.17
 3       5 DECR  pre          31       176      88     31.2    25.8    1.06
 4       6 INCR  pre          33       168      79.6   34.2    35.3    1.27
 5       9 MIX   pre          41       185      82.4   22.7    22.4    1.48
 6      10 INCR  pre          35       187      75.6   29.7    31.1    0.93
 7      14 MIX   pre          35       183      81.3   27.6    30.0    1.13
 8      15 INCR  pre          34       178      75.1   33.5    32.4    0.8 
 9      16 INCR  pre          27       178      77.8   32.9    33.7    0.94
10      18 DECR  pre          41       186     105.    33.5    33.7    1.75
# ℹ 36 more rows
# ℹ 92 more variables: lac.175 <dbl>, lac.225 <dbl>, lac.250 <dbl>,
#   lac.275 <dbl>, lac.300 <dbl>, lac.325 <dbl>, lac.350 <dbl>, lac.375 <dbl>,
#   VO2.125 <dbl>, VO2.175 <dbl>, VO2.225 <dbl>, VO2.250 <dbl>, VO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VO2.300 <dbl>, VO2.325 <dbl>, VO2.350 <dbl>, VO2.375 <dbl>, VCO2.125 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.175 <dbl>, VCO2.225 <dbl>, VCO2.250 <dbl>, VCO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.300 <dbl>, VCO2.325 <dbl>, VCO2.350 <dbl>, VCO2.375 <dbl>, …

Notice that there are rows containing weights less than 80 from the INCR group.

Any logical statement can also be negated with ! indication NOT. This means we will get a vector of TRUE for any expression previously being FALSE. Notice the extra parentheses below.

#| echo: true

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(!(weight.T1 > 80 & group == "INCR")) %>%
# A tibble: 71 × 101
   subject group timepoint   age height.T1 weight.T1 sj.max cmj.max lac.125
     <dbl> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1       2 DECR  pre          32       174      71.4   31.6    33.8    1.19
 2       4 DECR  pre          37       175      79.2   29.2    30.8    0.88
 3       5 DECR  pre          31       176      88     31.2    25.8    1.06
 4       6 INCR  pre          33       168      79.6   34.2    35.3    1.27
 5       7 MIX   pre          42       180      77.6   30.1    33.0    0.85
 6       8 MIX   pre          26       179      75.5   32.8    33.2    0.93
 7       9 MIX   pre          41       185      82.4   22.7    22.4    1.48
 8      10 INCR  pre          35       187      75.6   29.7    31.1    0.93
 9      11 MIX   pre          34       168      55.8   33.2    30.8    0.62
10      13 DECR  pre          41       183      76     34.3    36      1.67
# ℹ 61 more rows
# ℹ 92 more variables: lac.175 <dbl>, lac.225 <dbl>, lac.250 <dbl>,
#   lac.275 <dbl>, lac.300 <dbl>, lac.325 <dbl>, lac.350 <dbl>, lac.375 <dbl>,
#   VO2.125 <dbl>, VO2.175 <dbl>, VO2.225 <dbl>, VO2.250 <dbl>, VO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VO2.300 <dbl>, VO2.325 <dbl>, VO2.350 <dbl>, VO2.375 <dbl>, VCO2.125 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.175 <dbl>, VCO2.225 <dbl>, VCO2.250 <dbl>, VCO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.300 <dbl>, VCO2.325 <dbl>, VCO2.350 <dbl>, VCO2.375 <dbl>, …

The dplyr function filter also accepts multiple arguments separated with a comma. This is equal to adding conditions with the AND operator. Example:

#| echo: true

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(weight.T1 > 80, 
               group == "INCR", 
               timepoint == "pre", 
               age > 35) %>%
# A tibble: 2 × 101
  subject group timepoint   age height.T1 weight.T1 sj.max cmj.max lac.125
    <dbl> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1       3 INCR  pre          39       193      98.1   26.8    28.8    1.17
2      20 INCR  pre          42       180      82.3   32.5    32.2    2.26
# ℹ 92 more variables: lac.175 <dbl>, lac.225 <dbl>, lac.250 <dbl>,
#   lac.275 <dbl>, lac.300 <dbl>, lac.325 <dbl>, lac.350 <dbl>, lac.375 <dbl>,
#   VO2.125 <dbl>, VO2.175 <dbl>, VO2.225 <dbl>, VO2.250 <dbl>, VO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VO2.300 <dbl>, VO2.325 <dbl>, VO2.350 <dbl>, VO2.375 <dbl>, VCO2.125 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.175 <dbl>, VCO2.225 <dbl>, VCO2.250 <dbl>, VCO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.300 <dbl>, VCO2.325 <dbl>, VCO2.350 <dbl>, VCO2.375 <dbl>,
#   VE.125 <dbl>, VE.175 <dbl>, VE.225 <dbl>, VE.250 <dbl>, VE.275 <dbl>, …

Finally, dplyr comes with two convenient functions to find values between and near.

between() lets you select observations between two values:

#| echo: true

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter( between(age, 31, 42)) %>%
# A tibble: 62 × 101
   subject group timepoint   age height.T1 weight.T1 sj.max cmj.max lac.125
     <dbl> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1       1 INCR  pre          33       183      80.3   31.0    35.0    1.5 
 2       2 DECR  pre          32       174      71.4   31.6    33.8    1.19
 3       3 INCR  pre          39       193      98.1   26.8    28.8    1.17
 4       4 DECR  pre          37       175      79.2   29.2    30.8    0.88
 5       5 DECR  pre          31       176      88     31.2    25.8    1.06
 6       6 INCR  pre          33       168      79.6   34.2    35.3    1.27
 7       7 MIX   pre          42       180      77.6   30.1    33.0    0.85
 8       9 MIX   pre          41       185      82.4   22.7    22.4    1.48
 9      10 INCR  pre          35       187      75.6   29.7    31.1    0.93
10      11 MIX   pre          34       168      55.8   33.2    30.8    0.62
# ℹ 52 more rows
# ℹ 92 more variables: lac.175 <dbl>, lac.225 <dbl>, lac.250 <dbl>,
#   lac.275 <dbl>, lac.300 <dbl>, lac.325 <dbl>, lac.350 <dbl>, lac.375 <dbl>,
#   VO2.125 <dbl>, VO2.175 <dbl>, VO2.225 <dbl>, VO2.250 <dbl>, VO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VO2.300 <dbl>, VO2.325 <dbl>, VO2.350 <dbl>, VO2.375 <dbl>, VCO2.125 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.175 <dbl>, VCO2.225 <dbl>, VCO2.250 <dbl>, VCO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.300 <dbl>, VCO2.325 <dbl>, VCO2.350 <dbl>, VCO2.375 <dbl>, …

near lets you select values that are approximately equal to your specified value with some specified tolerance:

#| echo: true

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter( near(age, 40, tol = 2)) %>%
# A tibble: 18 × 101
   subject group timepoint   age height.T1 weight.T1 sj.max cmj.max lac.125
     <dbl> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1       3 INCR  pre          39       193      98.1   26.8    28.8    1.17
 2       9 MIX   pre          41       185      82.4   22.7    22.4    1.48
 3      13 DECR  pre          41       183      76     34.3    36      1.67
 4      18 DECR  pre          41       186     105.    33.5    33.7    1.75
 5      21 DECR  pre          40       175      82.3   35.2    32.6    0.68
 6       3 INCR  meso1        39        NA     101.    26.0    26.5    0.72
 7       9 MIX   meso1        41        NA      82.3   23.3    22.4    0.96
 8      13 DECR  meso1        41        NA      76     34.4    33.8    1.25
 9      18 DECR  meso1        41        NA     103     33.2    34.1    1.51
10      21 DECR  meso1        40        NA      81.1   33.6    34.5    0.6 
11       3 INCR  meso2        39        NA      99.2   25.4    26.8    0.5 
12       9 MIX   meso2        41        NA      NA     NA      NA     NA   
13      13 DECR  meso2        41        NA      NA     NA      NA     NA   
14      18 DECR  meso2        41        NA     101.    32.1    33.6    0.5 
15      21 DECR  meso2        40        NA      81.7   32.4    31.5    0.5 
16       3 INCR  meso3        39        NA      99.2   27.1    27.0    0.77
17       9 MIX   meso3        41        NA      78.7   25.0    25.6    1.25
18      18 DECR  meso3        41        NA     101.    32.1    34.7    1.94
# ℹ 92 more variables: lac.175 <dbl>, lac.225 <dbl>, lac.250 <dbl>,
#   lac.275 <dbl>, lac.300 <dbl>, lac.325 <dbl>, lac.350 <dbl>, lac.375 <dbl>,
#   VO2.125 <dbl>, VO2.175 <dbl>, VO2.225 <dbl>, VO2.250 <dbl>, VO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VO2.300 <dbl>, VO2.325 <dbl>, VO2.350 <dbl>, VO2.375 <dbl>, VCO2.125 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.175 <dbl>, VCO2.225 <dbl>, VCO2.250 <dbl>, VCO2.275 <dbl>,
#   VCO2.300 <dbl>, VCO2.325 <dbl>, VCO2.350 <dbl>, VCO2.375 <dbl>,
#   VE.125 <dbl>, VE.175 <dbl>, VE.225 <dbl>, VE.250 <dbl>, VE.275 <dbl>, …

Notice however that the default tolerance is a very small number (1.4901161^{-8}).

Exercises (3)
  • Keep rows in your data frame from the pre time-point, age greater than 31 but height less than 180.
  • Use between to find rows with VO2.max values between 4800 and 5200 (see ?between)
  • Use near to find weight.T1 values close to 80.26 with a tolerance of 0.75 (see ?near)
  • Remove all rows that are NA in the height.T1 variable.

arrange sorts the rows of a data frame

Sorting a data frame does not change the observations, it only determines how the data frame is printed or passed to other functions.

If we want to sort our data in cyclingstudy based on VO2.max we would

cyclingstudy %>%
1        select(subject, group, VO2.max) %>%
2        arrange(VO2.max)

cyclingstudy %>%
        select(subject, group, VO2.max) %>% 
3        arrange(desc(VO2.max))

cyclingstudy %>%
        select(subject, group, VO2.max) %>% 
        arrange(desc(group) )
Selects a subset of variables for display
Arrange based on the variable VO2.max, smallest values on top
Arrange with largest value on top

Notice the use of the desc function. In this example it is equivalent to using arrange(-VO2.max), in other situations, like with factors, desc will work as expected but not -.

Group and summarise data - group_by and summarise

A super power of dplyr is its ability to group and summarize data. The group_by function creates a grouped data frame suitable for summaries per group. In the cyclingstudy data set we have three groups that we might want to describe using some summary function.

Examples of summary functions in R are:

  • mean() → computes arithmetic mean
  • median() → computes the median
  • sd() → computes the standard deviation from the mean
  • IQR() → returns the inter-quartile range
  • min() and max() → gives the minimum and maximum values from a vector
  • quantile() → sample quantiles from the smallest (probs = 0) to largest (probs = 1) values.

All the above functions comes with the optional argument of na.rm = TRUE. This can be read as remove missing values (NA). If there are missing values (NA) and na.rm = FALSE (the default), the calculations will return NA. This is inconvenient but can often work as check of your assumptions.

Exercises (4)
  1. What do we mean by check of your assumptions?
  2. What do you expect from the R code sd(c(4, 5, 7, NA, 5))
  3. What would you add to the code above to improve it?

In addition to the summaries above that are generic for base R, dplyr provides you with a number of great functions to…

  • n() → count the number of observations in each group
  • n_distinct() → return the number of unique values from a vector for each group

In practice a grouped summary may look like this:

cyclingstudy %>%
        group_by(group) %>%
        summarise(mean.vo2max = mean(VO2.max, na.rm = TRUE))

Results from the above code includes multiple data points from each participant. The variable describing time-points can be added to the grouping.

cyclingstudy %>%
        group_by(group, timepoint) %>%
        summarise(mean.vo2max = mean(VO2.max, na.rm = TRUE))

Multiple summary functions can be added to the summarise() function where each adds a new variable to the result data frame.

cyclingstudy %>%
        group_by(group, timepoint) %>%
        summarise(mean.vo2max = mean(VO2.max, na.rm = TRUE), 
                  sd.vo2max = sd(VO2.max, na.rm = TRUE))
Exercises (5)
  1. Use the cyc.bmi data frame your created above, filter to only keep timepoint == "pre", and from the BMI variable calculate:
    • median
    • minimum
    • maximum
    • 25th percentile (q25 in the example below)
    • 75th percentile (q75 in the example below)
  2. Save the new data set as cyc.bmi.summary and plot the data using the code below:
  3. Compare the plot with figure created with geom_boxplot(), see ?geom_boxplot for the difference between plots as described under Summary statistics.
cyc.bmi.summary %>%
        ggplot(aes(group, median)) + geom_point( size = 4) + 
        geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = q25, ymax = q75), width = 0, size = 2) +
        geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = min, ymax = max), width = 0, size = 1)

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
        select(subject, group, weight = weight.T1, height = height.T1) %>%
        mutate(bmi = weight / ((height/100)^2)) %>%
        ggplot(aes(group, bmi)) + geom_boxplot()

Pivoting using pivot_longer and pivot_wider from the tidyr package

Data can be described as being in long form and wide form. The long form data is tidy in the sense that all columns are distinct variables.

There are examples of wide data sets as part of the cycling data set. Using only the timepoint == pre values and columns corresponding to lactate values from the graded exercise test we have an example of wide data as the columns lac.125, lac.175, lac.225, etc., contains lactate values from different exercise intensities. This means that a separate variable (watt or exercise intensity) is combined in each column of lactate values.

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
        dplyr::select(subject, group, lac.125:lac.375) %>%
# A tibble: 20 × 11
   subject group lac.125 lac.175 lac.225 lac.250 lac.275 lac.300 lac.325 lac.350
     <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1       1 INCR     1.5     1.86    2.38    3.54    6.21   NA      NA      NA   
 2       2 DECR     1.19    1.49    2.34    3.21    5.33   NA      NA      NA   
 3       3 INCR     1.17    1.52    1.22    1.54    2.04    3.32    4.72   NA   
 4       4 DECR     0.88    0.99    2.13    3.25   NA       6.15   NA      NA   
 5       5 DECR     1.06    1.41    1.9     2.04    3.04    3.59    4.73   NA   
 6       6 INCR     1.27    1.73    3.21    4.83   NA      NA      NA      NA   
 7       7 MIX      0.85    0.84    1.16    1.71    3.33    6.25   NA      NA   
 8       8 MIX      0.93    1.34    1.94   NA       3.71    7.29   NA      NA   
 9       9 MIX      1.48    1.17    1.95   NA       3.24    6.21   NA      NA   
10      10 INCR     0.93    0.87    0.86    0.92    1.2     1.69    2.6     4.69
11      11 MIX      0.62    1.22    2.85    5.86    9.87   NA      NA      NA   
12      13 DECR     1.67    1.81    2.78    4.25    6.87   NA      NA      NA   
13      14 MIX      1.13    1.33    2.74    3.97   NA      NA      NA      NA   
14      15 INCR     0.8     1.12    1.43   NA       2.4     3.77    6.3    NA   
15      16 INCR     0.94    1.18    1.89    2.83    5.33   NA      NA      NA   
16      17 MIX      1.54    1.62    2.7     4.1    NA      NA      NA      NA   
17      18 DECR     1.75    2.08    2.99    4.22   NA      NA      NA      NA   
18      19 DECR     1.23    2.51    4.65   NA      NA      NA      NA      NA   
19      20 INCR     2.26    2.05    3.19    5.17   NA      NA      NA      NA   
20      21 DECR     0.68    0.89    1.98    3.18    5.57   NA      NA      NA   
# ℹ 1 more variable: lac.375 <dbl>

Using pivot_longer we can change this data into a long format. Pivot wider needs information on the new variable names for values and names. Names are the column names that will form a variable and values are the values contained in the cells of the old variables. We also need to specify what columns to make longer, notice that I select variables <from>:<to>.

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
        dplyr::select(subject, group, lac.125:lac.375) %>%
        pivot_longer(names_to = "watt", 
                     values_to = "lactate", 
                     cols = lac.125:lac.375) %>%
# A tibble: 180 × 4
   subject group watt    lactate
     <dbl> <chr> <chr>     <dbl>
 1       1 INCR  lac.125    1.5 
 2       1 INCR  lac.175    1.86
 3       1 INCR  lac.225    2.38
 4       1 INCR  lac.250    3.54
 5       1 INCR  lac.275    6.21
 6       1 INCR  lac.300   NA   
 7       1 INCR  lac.325   NA   
 8       1 INCR  lac.350   NA   
 9       1 INCR  lac.375   NA   
10       2 DECR  lac.125    1.19
# ℹ 170 more rows

pivot_wider makes it easy to remove prefix and fix the data type of the names variable. Below we specify to remove lac. from all names and convert the new variable to numeric data.

# eval: false

cyclingstudy %>%
        filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
        dplyr::select(subject, group, lac.125:lac.375) %>%
        pivot_longer(names_to = "watt", 
                     values_to = "lactate", 
                     cols = lac.125:lac.375, 
                     names_prefix = "lac.", 
                     names_transform = list(watt = as.numeric)) %>%
# A tibble: 180 × 4
   subject group  watt lactate
     <dbl> <chr> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1       1 INCR    125    1.5 
 2       1 INCR    175    1.86
 3       1 INCR    225    2.38
 4       1 INCR    250    3.54
 5       1 INCR    275    6.21
 6       1 INCR    300   NA   
 7       1 INCR    325   NA   
 8       1 INCR    350   NA   
 9       1 INCR    375   NA   
10       2 DECR    125    1.19
# ℹ 170 more rows

A data set can contain multiple “groups” of variables in a wide format. In the cycling data set variables such as HF.* and lac.* are variables that are collected at different intensities (watt, indicated with *). We would like to make the data set tidy, each column contains a variable and each row is an observation.

In the example below we create a long data set using two variables of interest, lactate (lac.*) and heart rate (HF.*) each collected over multiple intensities. Using a special name .value we can tell pivot_longer that there are additional information in the column names that should be regarded as names. We also need to a separator that separates our .value with the watt column, in this case the separator is a period/point (.). Note that R evaluates a single . as special character matching any single character. To use the period character as a separator we must “escape” it using either \\. or [.], this removes its special meaning.

# eval: false

cyclingstudy %>%
1        filter(timepoint == "pre") %>%
        select(subject, group, lac.125:lac.375, HF.125:HF.375) %>%
2        pivot_longer(cols = !c(subject, group),
3                     names_to = c(".value", "watt"),
4                     names_sep = "[.]") %>%
Filter the data set an select variables
Using pivot_wider, first specify what columns to “make longer”.
Use the special .value to indicate that each variable name contains information that should be used in creating new variables
Indicate what character to split the variables on, in this case we need to “escape” the period using [.].
# A tibble: 180 × 5
   subject group watt    lac    HF
     <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
 1       1 INCR  125    1.5    109
 2       1 INCR  175    1.86   124
 3       1 INCR  225    2.38   139
 4       1 INCR  250    3.54   152
 5       1 INCR  275    6.21   167
 6       1 INCR  300   NA       NA
 7       1 INCR  325   NA       NA
 8       1 INCR  350   NA       NA
 9       1 INCR  375   NA       NA
10       2 DECR  125    1.19   121
# ℹ 170 more rows
Exercises (6)
  1. Pivot the following data set, making separate columns/variables for each NAME
data.frame(id = c("id1", "id1", "id1", "id2", "id2", "id2"), 
           NAME = c("a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c"), 
           NUMBER = c(4, 6, 7, 2, 3, 5)) %>%

  1. Using the cyclingstudy data set, make a ggplot that shows
    • VCO2 and VO2 values at sub-maximal intensities (watt 125-375) for participant 15.
    • Each time-point (pre, meso1, meso2 and meso3) should be its own facet/panel
    • VCO2 and VO2 should be of different colors indicated with points and lines
    • Labels and units should be fixed (see figure below for details, look up the ggtext package for examples on how to format text in labels and titles).

  1. Table 1 in experimental or observational studies often contains descriptive data on the sample. These tables may help readers to understand to what group/population a study may be generalized to and how key characteristics are distributed among experimental groups.

We will prepare data from cyclingstudy to create a Table 1 with descriptive data - Select a set of key variables that you want to describe (center, spread and/or range) from baseline measurements (timepoint == "pre"), for example age, weight, height and BMI. - Group the data set on group and perform summary calculations


To display numbers with the correct number of decimals R provides many options. A simple function (round()) provides rounding. The problem is that you will lose trailing zero, e.g., 2.0 will be displayed as 2. To keep the trailing zero we must use the sprintf() function. Examples:

# Rounding
round(2.10, 2) 
[1] 2.1
# Formatting to keep the trailing zero
sprintf("%.2f", 2.10)
[1] "2.10"

Combining vectors may be a good idea to make the table more attractive. The mean and standard deviation is commonly presented as mean (SD). Data from a column of means and a column of SD’s can be combined to create a nice display using the paste0() function. Example:

data.frame(m = c(46.7, 47.89, 43.5),  # A vector of means
           s = c(4.21, 4.666, 3.1)) %>% # A vector of SD's
        mutate(stat = paste0(round(m, 1), 
                             " (",
                             round(s, 1), 
                             ")")) %>%
      m     s       stat
1 46.70 4.210 46.7 (4.2)
2 47.89 4.666 47.9 (4.7)
3 43.50 3.100 43.5 (3.1)

A character vector of group names can be arranged and re-named using the factor function. In the cyclingstudy data set the groups (INCR, DECR and MIX) may be given more descriptive names, example:

cyclingstudy %>%
        mutate(group = factor(group, levels = c("INCR", "DECR", "MIX"), 
                              labels = c("Increased intensity", 
                                         "Decreased intensity", 
                                         "Mixed intensity"))) %>%
# A tibble: 3 × 1
1 Increased intensity
2 Decreased intensity
3 Mixed intensity    

The next step: Create a neat report

We will use a table generator to create the table. See next part of this workshop here